Dante’s hendecasyllables
Dante’s hendeca-syllables
were composed of combinations of rhythm units of
various shapes and sizes and that these pieces
were put together in lines so as to make, roughly,
eleven syllables in all …
Failed Poet
Dante’s hendeca-syllables
were composed of combinations of rhythm units of
various shapes and sizes and that these pieces
were put together in lines so as to make, roughly,
eleven syllables in all …
He baffles us by unfamiliar metres …
“il miglior fabbro” …
maybe is time to refresh one’s recollection of the Dream Songs . . . …
Do we simply intend those meanings, thereby willing them into existence? And if the human mind does tend to impose its intentions on a text, can any poetry be truly meaningless? If the idea is pushed far enough, poetry becomes a kind of Rorschach test, perhaps (as Michael Heyward suggests) proving Freud’s claim that it’s impossible to talk nonsense. …
“the good lord must have loved the common people, he made so many of them” – Lincoln Drift
He admitted to be one of them, himself.
the prime prima facie evidence that A-L-L-L-L-L-L
men are created equal, that common men
could become president.
As the incumbent First Seminarian might say, “from 2 Timmy 15, ‘a workman need not be ashamed’”
thereby negging his entire core constituency,
thus ensuring their loyalty …
what a card!
after Nico Vassililakis – etude # 25126 – Polychrome PH(R)ASES OF VISUAL POETRY
i can’t help it – when i get an idea i must follow thru
and Nico is a thought-provoking sort of fellow, is he not? …
Shakey Dave shakes his head in consternation
he is so self-aware that he could feel
the white cells battling the virus,
the heat of battle would flush his cheeks,
the casualties would weigh on him
so much he could not walk
but that’s not happened, yet . . .
for some of us, the conceit is good enough,
indeed, a sonnet or sonata need not
even be writ: it is enough just to have
thought of it