now i am become death / sapphic trauma # 25185
“was your eschatology exercise not
satisfact’ry?” asked the gentile attendant,
offering a clean hand towel
Failed Poet
“was your eschatology exercise not
satisfact’ry?” asked the gentile attendant,
offering a clean hand towel
The Killings, Carl Sandburg …
I warn of the Over-programmed;
of logic-switches blinking on-and-off like fairy lights;
of logic structured so far beyond readability that functionality is impaired.
Taleb sez to predict a black-swan event
is to admit that one is not an expert
one who knows what to expect in the Future –
no one knows, that’s a moral cert,
the linotype converted metal ingots
into characters that were set in tablets
to build pages of a newspaper edition
temporarily cast in stone,
something there is that doesn’t love a vacuum,
perhaps the “Universal Will To Become”?
. . . means making nothing
out of something is doomed
to failure
obscuring the memory
of the best work of the past and doing its vill-
ainous utmost to impede the work of contemporary
creators. …
”My Gawddd! This is a
ROTTEN number of Poetry” …