Category: Blog
Rimbaud & Verlaine (The New Yorker)
He and Verlaine both changed poetry, in ways that continue to affect it in our own time. Dylan’s mention of …
haiga # 25268 – Basho – an old pond
1. m. coloq. Esp. p. us. Automóvil muy grande y ostentoso, normalmente de origen norteamericano. U. m. en sent. irón.
Unfortunately, some people do not conjugate some verbs correctly, encountering loud and squeaky grammatical errors. The problem comes when it comes to a word that, in a habitual way, is used incorrectly by many individuals.
The same happens with the term ‘haiga’ , which is common to hear someone say from time to time when wrongly conjugating the verb ‘haber’ .
The fact that the term ‘haiga’ is included in the RAE Dictionary comes from the postwar period in Spain, a time in which some people got rich thanks to dealing with black market on the black market. Some source also points to the famous ‘indianos’ who, on their return to Spain after making the Americas , brought good fortune.
Most of these ‘nouveau riche’ , despite having a good eye for shady deals or deals, were illiterate and lacked education, so their way of speaking was full of inaccuracies (frequently heard them say in their colloquial language barbarisms like ‘asín’, ‘haiga’, ‘arradio’, amoto, ‘me se’ …).
And one of the first things someone did when they made a lot of money was to go buy the most ostentatious car that was for sale, so when ordering it they said they wanted ‘the biggest car there is’ , leaving this term picked up as ‘Very large and ostentatious automobile’ in its ‘colloquial and ironic sense’ usage.
another site rendered instead as “the Best there is”.
i come to this odd word from a type of japanese visual poetry called haiga, also,
then saw the links to the spanish colloquialism.
so i think i will make a series of visual poems, “haiga # nnnnn” with the colloquial haiga in mind, ‘the best there is!’ …
constellation consolation
oh, cosmos,
grant me the serenity the astronauts claim from their experiences . . .
grant me the objectivity of a cosmic POV
i mean
i think i have grasped the tendrils of substance
but what i have touched scares me to death …
Poeming Pigeon # 10 – Pop Culture Issue Released
Poeming Pidgeon # 10 – Pop Culture now out!
Yours truly prominently featured on Page 83:
“Paradigmatic Values for a Given Syntactical Vacancy” …
after Sigmar Polke Untitled
Sigmar Polke Untitled now for sale at Sotheby’s for 350,000 GBP …
Diablos de Polvo from Shadow Rock, South of South Mountain
How is this visual poetry? you may ask with Justification . . . the diablos are composed of text . …
Boethius – Wheel of Fortune
In its obvious outlines, her argument has this shape. Like a doctor, Philosophy begins with gentle remedies and then, when …